
Eagles rozdrvili ruského šampióna (futsal)

Benfica Futsal sa kvalifikovala do Elite Round Ligy majstrov, keď v zápase 2. kola prvej skupiny hlavného kola zdolala Jekaterinburg (Majstri Ruska) 5:1.

Rusi tiež skórovali ako prví a Sokolov (osem minút) prešiel, no nabitá odpoveď bola okamžitá, keď DP otočilo na 1:1 (9), čo viedlo ku koncu prvého polčasu.

V druhom polčase sa prejavila prevaha orlov, čo sa dobre odzrkadlilo aj na výsledkovej tabuli. Robinho (26 minút), Sylvester Ferreira (27 minút), Thibi (34 minút) a Romulo (34 minút) okúsili rozohrávačov a zabezpečili víťazstvo lídrovi svojej série Portugalsku so 6 bodmi.

Hra Zapamätaj si film:

Dokonči turnaj na Slovensku! Benfica zvíťazila nad Jekaterinburgom 5:1 (1:1, koniec prvého polčasu)..

38 ‚ Ivanov strieľa smerom k bráne, ale červený hráč beží takmer v rade pred nebezpečenstvom.

34′ Gól Benfiky (1-5)! Romulo využíva postup súpera, hrá päť na štyri a z jeho centra strieľa do prázdnej brány.

34 ′ Gólov Benfiky (1-4)! Dokončiť nádherné DP, dostať loptu do priestoru, roztočiť ju a prilepiť k brankárovi.

32 ‚ Fkhrutdinov tlačí na silu, ale strieľa bez vedenia.

29 Carpovu strelu Ronaldo vyrazil.

27′ Gól Benfiky (1-3)! Sylvester Ferreira myslí aj z malého uhla a je spokojný so svojou krížnou i nízkou strelou.

26′ Gól Benfiky (1-2)! Fantastický nákop Robinha z diaľky po prvom pokuse Siskala.

26 ‚ Žltú kartu dostáva Gerasimo (Jekaterinburg).

25 ‚ Shishkala túto funkciu hľadá, ale miery úplne chýbajú.

24 Prvá kvalita funkcie TB.

23 ‚ Prudnikov si nepýta povolenie a opúšťa Roncalia s varovaním: odložte ho.

23 ‚ Dobrý zákrok Eagles skončil krížnou strelou Nelsona.

21 Arthur tiež hľadá cieľ … bez toho, aby ho našiel.

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21 Afonso strieľa zobákom, ale míňa svoj cieľ.

21 Druhá časť začína!

Prvý polčas na Slovensku: Sokolov (8), DP (9) vyrovnali dvoma gólmi Jekaterinburg a Benficu 1:1.

17 Ronaldinho vyliezol na ihrisko a nerozmýšľal dvakrát vo vesmíre: Putilov sa musí venovať odopreniu gólu červenému brankárovi.

16 Arthur nalieha… ale bezvýsledne.

15. Putilov sa za Arturovým novým článkom postaví na nohy a zachráni Rusov.

15. Romulo Fitz je vidieť a s ponukou od Brazílčana nedokáže vystreliť na bránu.

14 Putilov zavrel bránu a Romulo gól poprel.

14 Afonso našiel Jesusa Arthura, ten sa však izolovaný nedokázal vrátiť: strela z diaľky pred brankárom Putillom.

11 Polovičná vzdialenosť od Robinha: Veľa hádzať loptu, neohrozovať Putilla.

11 Hodí sa na spinning a poskytuje prudký kop zhora.

11 Nelson strieľa ľavou nohou, ale míňa cieľ.

9 Robinho nový pokus, Putilov popiera druhý eagle.

9′ Gól Benfiky (1-1)! Robinho trafil loptu a nechal loptu, aby presne nabil DP.

8′ Gól Jekaterinburgu (1:0)! Dobre nacvičený priamy kop pre ruských hráčov, Sokolov strelou z diaľky otvoril skóre.

8 Žltú kartu dostáva Arthur (Benfica).

6 Prvé nebezpečenstvo pre Rusov: Demin krúti nohami a odpovedá Roncaliovi päsťami.

6 Arthur stratil loptu a Karpov jeho strelu vyhodil.

5 Bočná webová strieľačka na krokodíla!

2 Robinho hľadá potešenie ľavou nohou: lopta trčí mierne nabok.

1 ‚ Flauta má prvý úder v hre: lopta ide hore.

1 ‚ Hra začína na Slovensku!

Jekaterinburg: Putilov, Abramov (klobúk), Brudnikov, Fakhrutinov i. Sokolov

Alternatíva k Jekaterinburgu: Kalmakelitse, Karpov, Demin, Shishkin, Gerasimov, Timoshenko, Paluk Ivanov

Benfica: Rongalio, Nelson, Robinho (klobúk), Chichala a Fitz

Alternatíva Benfica: Andre Sosa, Sylvester Ferreira, Romulo, Afonso, Arthur, Rafael Henmi, DP, Cindra a Zachary

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Jekaterinburg a Benfica odohrajú ďalší zápas (14.30 h) v prvej skupine 1. kola futsalovej Ligy majstrov. Stretnutie sa uskutoční na štadióne Športová Halla v Losinku na Slovensku.

Dvaja lídri išli v sérii proti sebe a v úvodnom kole vyhrali o tri body: Rusi zdolali Losinek (Slovensko) 3:0, Eagles zdolali Halle-Quake (Belgicko) 2:1. .

Turnaj budú rozhodovať Bulhar Trian Ensev (prvý rozhodca), Talian Nicola Mancioni (druhý), Estónec Grigory Usumkov (tretí) a Slovák Ladislav Angial (časomer).

Even the Russians were the first to score, Sokolov crossed (eight minutes), but the embodied response was immediate, as Tibi made it 1-1 (9), the result that led to the end of the first half.

In the second half, the superiority of the Eagles was evident, which was well reflected in the scoreboard. Robinho (26 minutes), Sylvester Ferreira (27 minutes), Tibi (34 minutes) and Romulo (34 minutes) tasted the taste of foot and confirmed the victory of the Portuguese team, the leader of their series, with six points.

Remember the game movie:

Finish the match in Slovakia! Benfica beat Yekaterinburg 5-1 (1-1, at the end of the first half)..

38 ' Ivanov shoots towards goal, but the red player runs away from danger almost on the goal line.

34' Benfica goal (1-5)! Ru00f4mulo takes advantage of the opponent's advance, plays five to four, and shoots from his center into the empty goal.

34' Benfica goals (1-4)! Finishing the wonderful Tibi, receiving the ball inside the area, rotating it and sticking it to the goalkeeper.

32 ' Fkhrutdinov presses for strength, but shoots without guidance.

29' Roncalio saved well for Karpov's shot.

27' Benfica goal (1-3)! Sylvester Ferreira thinks, even from a small angle, and is happy with his cross and low shot.

26' Benfica goal (1-2)! Robinho's superb kick from distance after Chichkala's first attempt.

26 ' Yellow card for Gerasimov (Yekaterinburg).

25 ' Chishkala is looking for the feature but is missing the measurements completely.

24' Tibi is first class in the aspect.

23 ' Prudnikov does not ask for permission and leaves Roncalio with a warning: leave him aside.

23 ' Good move from the Eagles, ending with a cross shot from Nelson.

21' Arthur also searches for the target... without finding it.

21' Afonso shoots with his beak, but misses his target.

21' Part two begins!

The first half in Slovakia: Ekaterinburg and Benfica tied 1-1, with two goals from Sokolov (8) and Tibi (9).

17' Roncalio climbs into the field and does not think twice with space: Putilov has to dedicate himself to denying the red goalkeeper a goal.

16' Arthur insists... but to no avail.

15th' Putilov saves the Russians by standing behind Arthur's new article with his legs.

15th' Ru00f4mulo Fits is seen and the Brazilian is unable to shoot into the goal, in a privileged position.

14' Putilov covered the goal and denied Romulo the goal.

14' Afonso Jesus discovers Arthur, but the latter, reclusive, is unable to return: a long shot, in front of the opposition of goalkeeper Putilov.

11' Half distance from Robinho: The ball is lifted a lot and does not threaten Putilov.

11' Fits spinning and delivers a violent kick from the top.

11' Nelson shoots with his left foot but misses the goal.

9' Robinho's new attempt, Putilov denies the second vultures.

9' Benfica goal (1-1)! Robinho hits the ball and leaves the ball to reload Tibi accurately.

8' Ekaterinburg goal (1-0)! A well-rehearsed free kick for the Russians, Sokolov opened the scoring with a long shot.

8' Yellow card for Arthur (Benfica).

6' First Danger Shot for the Russians: Demin rolls his foot, and responds to Roncalio with his fists.

6' The ball was lost by Arthur and Karpov fired his shot.

5' The crocodile shoots the side nets!

2' Robinho is looking for happiness with his left foot: the ball sticks out a little to the side.

1 ' Flutes have the first shot in the game: the ball goes over the top.

1 ' The game begins in Slovakia!

Yekaterinburg: Putilov, Abramov (hat), Prudnikov, Fakhrutdinov i. Sokolov

Alternatives to Yekaterinburg: Kalmakhelidze, Karpov, Demin, Shishkin, Gerasimov, Timoshenko, Balukh e Ivanov

Benfica: Roncalio, Nelson, Robinho (hat), Chichkala, and Fitz

Benfica alternatives: Andru00e9 Souza, Sylvester Ferreira, Romulo, Afonso, Arthur, Raphael Henmi, Tibi, Sintra and Jaccari

Ekaterinburg and Benfica play another match (14.30 hours) in the first group of the first round of the Futsal Champions League. The meeting takes place at Sportova Halla Arena in Losinec, Slovakia.

Head to head are the two leaders in this series, both with three points, having won the opening round: the Russians beat Losinec (Slovakia) 3-0, while the Eagles beat Halle-Gueck (Belgium) 2-1. .

The match will be officiated by Bulgarian Traian Enchev (first referee), Italian Nicola Manzioni (second), Estonian Grigory Usumkov (third) and Slovakian Ladislav Angyal (timekeeper).

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