Leťte so svojím menom zadarmo okolo Mesiaca na misii Artemis I. NASA

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Artemis I bude prvým bezpilotným letovým testom rakety Space Launch System a kozmickej lode Orion. Let otvára cestu k pristátiu prvej ženy a prvého farebného človeka na Mesiaci!
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Počas Artemis I prejde Orion tisíce míľ za Mesiac v priebehu takmer trojtýždňovej misie. kredit: NASA
Všetky oči budú upreté na historický štartovací komplex 39B, keď Orion a vesmírny štartovací systém[{“ attribute=““>SLS) lift off for the first time from NASA’s modernized Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The mission will demonstrate our commitment and capability to extend human existence to the Moon and beyond.
Artemis I will be the first in a series of increasingly complex missions to build a long-term human presence at the Moon for decades to come.
Artemis I will be the first integrated flight test of NASA’s deep space exploration system: the Orion spacecraft, Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and the ground systems at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The first in a series of increasingly complex missions, Artemis I will be an uncrewed flight that will provide a foundation for human deep space exploration, and demonstrate our commitment and capability to extend human existence to the Moon and beyond. During this flight, the uncrewed Orion spacecraft will launch on the most powerful rocket in the world and travel thousands of miles beyond the Moon, farther than any spacecraft built for humans has ever flown, over the course of about a three-week mission. Credit: NASA
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